The Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) was created by the Wisconsin Legislature in 1897. It is the descendant of earlier state surveys in Wisconsin, which date back to 1854.
WGNHS, part of the Division of Extension at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, is an interdisciplinary organization that conducts natural resources surveys and research to produce information used for decision-making, problem-solving, planning, management, development, and education. Survey is defined to include resource inventory as well as basic and applied research and analysis. WGNHS has no specific regulatory or enforcement responsibilities.
Understanding the earth • Charting its history • Sustaining its resources
The Survey conducts earth-science surveys, field studies, and research.
We provide objective scientific information about the geology, water resources, and mineral resources of Wisconsin.
We collect, interpret, disseminate, and archive natural resource information.
We communicate the results of our activities through publications, technical talks, our website, social media, and responses to inquiries from the public.
These activities support informed decision making by government, industry, business, and individual residents of Wisconsin.
What we do
Survey staff members conduct topical as well as local, regional, and statewide research projects; collect and store data and physical samples; analyze these data and samples; communicate results to the public via publications; and respond to numerous requests for technical advice and service. Some projects are conducted jointly with state, federal, and local agencies as well as with other units of the university.
Maps, records, and reports—including interpretations and recommendations—produced by WGNHS provide basic data for resource, land-use, and environmental management. For example, our publications can help to identify areas with potential for nonmetallic and metallic mineral resources; to determine general groundwater availability; to locate groundwater supplies; to prevent/mitigate groundwater contamination; to locate storage/disposal facilities; to locate bridges, highways, and other structures; to analyze weather patterns; to determine limitations/suitabilities to the use of soils; to advise on problems of aquatic vegetation; to provide advice and interpretation on natural hazards that may affect human health and safety; and for many other applications.
WGNHS Madison
3817 Mineral Point Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53705-5100
Hours: 8:30 AM–4:30 PM, M–F
Phone: (608) 262-1705
Fax: (608) 262-8086
Core Repository
(Research Collections and Education Center)
211 S. Blue Mounds Street
Mount Horeb, Wisconsin 53572
Phone: (608) 262-1705
Call for an appointment