Formula: Fe2-3Si2O5(OH)4 Monoclinic
Greenalite is a fine-grained mineral found in unmetamorphosed to slightly metamorphosed iron formations. It is likely more widely occurring than indicated, but must be specifically searched for via x-ray or optical analysis.
ASHLAND COUNTY: Greenalite is reported as a rare component of the Ironwood formation in Gogebic iron range in the county. It is associated with stilpnomelane, chamosite, magnetite, siderite, and quartz (Schmidt, 1980).
IRON COUNTY: Greenalite is reported as a rare component of the Ironwood iron formation in Gogebic iron range in the county. It is associated with stilpnomelane, chamosite, magnetite, siderite, and quartz (Schmidt, 1980). Laybourne (1979) tentatively identified several grains from iron formation collected near Hurley.