Minerals Bibliography

Compiled by William S. Cordua, University of Wisconsin–River Falls

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A to B


  • Adams, G.W., 1996, Geology of the Lynne Base-Metal Deposit, North Central Wisconsin, U.S., in LaBerge, G.L., Ed., Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of northern Wisconsin: A commemorative volume: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings, 42nd. Annual Meeting, Cable, Wis., part 2, p. 161-179.
  • Adams, R.L., 1978, Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Lower Oneota Dolomite (Ordovician)–South Central Wisconsin, in Odom, I.E. editor, Lithostratigraphy, Petrology and Sedimentology of Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician Rocks Near Madison, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geology and Natural History Survey, Field Trip Guidebook 3, p. 82-90.
  • Agnew, A.F., 1963, Geology of the Platteville Quadrangle, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Bull 1123E, p. 245-277.
  • Agnew, A.F., Crumpton, R.P., and Flint, A.E., 1954, Geology and zinc-lead-barite deposits in areas in Lafayette County, East of Cuba City, Wisconsin: U. S. Geological Survey Mineral Investigation Field Studies Map MF-15.scale?
  • Aldrich, H.R., 1928, A Trip to Milladore and Vicinity: Wisconsin Geology and Natural History Survey Open File Report 28-4, 5 p.
  • Aldrich, H.R., 1929, The Geology of the Gogebic Iron Range of Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, Bull 71, 279 p.
  • Ali, H.M., 1982, Keweenawan Volcanic Rocks of the Grandview-Minong Area, Northwestern Wisconsin: UW-Madison, unpub. PhD. thesis, 298 p.
  • Allen, R.C. and Barrett, L.P., 1915, Contributions to the Precambrian Geology of Northern Michigan and Wisconsin: Michigan Geology and Biology Survey Pub. 18 Geol. Series 15, p. 65-129.Allen, R.C., 1909, The occurrence and origin of the brown iron ores of Spring Valley, Wisconsin, Michigan: Academy of Science, 11th Report, Annual Meeting, p. 95-103. 
  • Allen, V.T., 1932, Ordovician Altered Volcanic Material in Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri: Journal of Geology, v. 40 , no.3, p. 259-269.
  • Allingham, J.W., 1963, Geology of the Dodgeville and Mineral Point Quadrangles, Wisconsin: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1123 D, p. 169-244.
  • Allingham, J.W., Flint, A.E., and Agnew, A.F., 1955, Zinc and Lead Deposits of the Sinsinawa River Area, Grant County, Wisconsin: U. S. Geological Survey Mineral Inv. Field Studies Map MF-40. Scale?
  • Anderson, J., Cullers, R., and Van Schinus, 1980, Anorogenic metaluminous and peraluminous granite plutonism in the mid-Proterozoic of Wisconsin: U.S., Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 74, p. 311-328.
  • Anderson, J.L. and Cullero, R.L., 1987, Crust-enriched mantle-derived tonalites in the early Proterozoic-Penokean orogen of Wisconsin: Journal of Geology, v. 95, p. 139-154.
  • Andrews, G.W., 1966, Late Pleistocene diatoms from the Trempealeau Valley, Wisconsin: U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 523A, p. A1-A-27.
  • Anonymous, 1991, Reef Project, Noranda Exploration/ Wisconsin J. V., Marathon County, Wisconsin: handout at 37th Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Eau Claire, Wis., 2 p.
  • Apell, G.A., 1947, Zinc deposits of the Tennyson District, Grant County, Wisconsin: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigation 4083, 13 p.
  • Austin, G., 1972, The Sioux Quartzite, Southwestern Minnesota in P.K. Sims and G.B. Morey, edited, Geology of Minnesota: A Centennial Volume: Minnesota Geological Survey, St. Paul, p. 450-455.

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  • Bagg, R.M., 1918, Fluorospar in the Ordovician limestone of Wisconsin: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 29, p. 393-398.
  • Bagg, R.M., 1913, The discovery of pyrrhotite in Wisconsin, with a discussion of its probable origin by magmatic differentiation: Economic Geology, v. 8, p. 369-372.
  • Bagrowski, B.P., 1940, Occurrence of millerite at Milwaukee, Wisconsin: American Mineralogist, v. 25, p. 556-559.
  • Bailey, S.W., and Tyler, S.A., 1960, Clay minerals associated with the Lake Superior iron ores: Economic Geology, v. 55, p. 150-175.
  • Bain, H., Foster, 1907, Zinc and lead deposits of the upper Mississippi Valley, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 19 Econ. Series no. 2, 155 p.
  • Bakheit, A., 1981, Petrography of Cu-Ni Mineralization in the Mineral Lake area, Ashland County, Wisconsin: UW-Madison, unpublished M.S. thesis, 102 p.
  • Banks, P.O. and Cain, J.A., 1969, Zircon ages of Precambrian granitic rocks, northeastern Wisconsin: Journal of Geology, v. 77, p. 208-220.
  • Banks, P.O. and Rebello, D.P., 1969, Zircon Age of a Precambrian Rhyolite, Northeastern Wisconsin: Geological Society America Bulletin, v. 80 no. 5, p. 907-910.
  • Barlow, J.F., managing ed., 1997, The F. John Barlow Mineral Collection: Sanco Publishing Company, Appleton, Wis., 400 p.
  • Barrett, S.A., 1924, Field studies for the Catlinite and Quartzite groups: Year Book of the Public Museum of the City of Milwaukee, v. 4, p. 7-20.
  • Beard, R., 2002, Wisconsin’s Quartz Hill – Precambrian gems sparkling in the North Woods: Rock and Gem, v. 32 no. 5 p. 20-25.
  • Becker, H., 1931, A study of the heavy minerals of the Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks of the Baraboo Range, Wisconsin: Journal Sedimentary Petrology, v. 1, no.2, p. 91-95.
  • Bevan, A.W.R. and.Grady, M.M., 1988, Mount Morris (Wisconsin): A Fragment of the I.A.B. Iron Pine River?, Meteoritics, v. 23, p. 349-352.
  • Bild, R.W., 1977, Sillimanite inclusion in group IAB irons and a relation to the anomalous stones Winona and Mt. Morris (Wisconsin): Geochemica et. Cosmochimica Acta, v. 41, p. 1439-1451.
  • Black, F.M., 1977, The Geology of the Turtle-Flambeau Area: Iron and Ashland Counties, Wisconsin: UW-Madison, unpub. M.S. Thesis, 150 p.
  • Bowden, D., 1978, Volcanic Rocks of the Pelican River Massive Sulfide Deposit, Rhinelander, Wisconsin: A Study in Wallrock Alteration, Michigan Tech University, unpublished M.S. Thesis, 84 p.
  • Bowser, C.J., Callender, E. and Rossmann, R., 1970, Electron Probe and X-ray Studies of Fresh Water Ferromaganese Nodules from Wisconsin and Michigan: Geological Society America Abstracts with Programs, v. 2, pt. 7, p. 500-501.
  • Boyd, D., 1965, Moonmilk at Bridgeport Cave: Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 4 no. 2, p. 39-40.
  • Brandon, C.N., Smith, E., and Luther, F., 1980, The Precambrian Waterloo Quartzite, Southeastern Wisconsin: Evolution and Structure.: 20th Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Abstracts and Program, p. 17-18.
  • Brobst, D.A., and Heyl, A.V., 1976, Barite in Mineral and Water Resources of Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C., p. 69-72.
  • Broughton, W.A. and LaPaz, I., 1962, The Belmont Meteorite investigations: Wisconsin Academy Review, v. 9, no. 4, p. 155-157.
  • Brown, B., 1986, The Baraboo Interval in Wisconsin: Geoscience Wisconsin, v. 10, p. 1-14.
  • Brown, B., 1987, Baraboo Quartzite at Skillett Creek, Wisconsin: Geological Society of America Centennial Field Guide–North Central Section, p. 199-200.
  • Brown, Bruce, and Maas, R.S., 1992, A Reconnaissance Survey of Wells in Eastern Wisconsin for Indications of Mississippi Valley type Mineralization: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Open File Report 1992-03, 31 p.
  • Brown, B., Luther, F., Schmidt, J., Courter, S., and Lien, J., 2001, Economic geology of the Baraboo and Waterloo quartzites of Southern Wisconsin: Institute on Lake Superior Geology Proceedings, 47th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wis., Pt. II, p. 43-54.
  • Brown, E.C., 1976, Talc and Soapstone in Mineral and Water Resources of Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey, p. 104-107.
  • Buchholz, T., 1996, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin area quarries, Mineral News, v. 12 no. 2, p. 6-7.
  • Buchholz, T. 1997, Apatite and Lithium-Bearing Muscovite from Central Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 13, no.6, p. 6.
  • Buchholz, T., 1999a, Minerals of the Schill Quarry, Vesper, Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 15, no. 5, p. 1, 5 – 6.
  • Buchholz, T., 1999b, Minerals of a Wausau Pegmatite, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 74, p. 254-258.
  • Buchholz, T., 2001a, Additional mineralogy of the Koss Quarry, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 76, p. 252-253.
  • Buchholz, T., 2003, Minerals of an interesting glacial erratic, Jessie Quarry, Baraboo, Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 19, no.7, p. 1, 6 – 7.
  • Buchholz, T., 2004, A greisen-like mineral assemblage from the Nine Mile Pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin, Abstract: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings, 50th Annual Meeting, Duluth, MN, v. 50, pt. 1, p. 44-45.
  • Buchholz, T., 2004, Gadolinite-(Y) in Wisconsin: The Keller Lake Pegmatite, Rocks and Minerals, v. 79 no. 3, p. 187.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 1998, An Unusual Miarolitic mineral assemblage from central Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 74, no.3, p. 181-182
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 1999, Minerals of the Ladick Quarry, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, Contributed Papers in Specimen Mineralogy, Abstracts.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2000, Ta, Nb, U, Y and REE minerals of the Koss quarry, Marathon County, Wisconsin, abst.: Contributed papers in specimen mineralogy, Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, p. 6 – 7.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2000, Ilmenorutile and struverite from the Nine Mile Pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 16 no.5, p. 1, 4-5.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2003, The Waterloo quarry: a new location for gahnite, manganocolumbite and tantalite in southern Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 78, no. 2 p. 118.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2005b, Mineralogy of pegmatites and spatially associated metasomatized zones, Michel Materials Quarry, Waterloo, Wisconsin: Abstract, Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 51st Annual Meeting, p. 8-9.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2007a, Pseudobrookite from the Nine Mile pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Abstract, 34th Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, p. 6-7.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2007b, Waylandite, Bismuth and associated minerals from the Waterloo Quarry, southern, Wisconsin: Abstract, 34th Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, p. 7-8.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2007c, A novel locality for pseudobrookite – the Nine Mile pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Abstract, Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 53rd Annual Meeting, p. 16-17.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2007d, Additional mineralogy of the Haske Quarry, Cary Mound Granite/Granophyre complex, Wood County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 82, p. 409- 410.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2009, Pyrochlore Group Minerals from the Wausau Complex, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 84, March–April 2009, p. 166-167.
  • Buchholz, T.W., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2011, Compositional trends in chevkinite group minerals from the Wausau complex, Marathon County, WI (abstract) in Fitz, T. (chairperson) Proceedings and abstracts – Institute on Lake Superior Geology Meeting: 57: 10-11.
  • Buchholz, T.W., Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 2013, Mineralogy of an unusual pegmatite, Stettin Pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, vol. 88, no. 3, p. 279–280.
  • Buchholz, T., Falster, A.U., Simmons, W.B., and Fountain, J., 2005a, Prosopite and other new Wisconsin minerals from the Nine Mile pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: 32nd Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, abstract, p. 7-8.
  • Buchholz, T., and Fountain, J., 2004, Collecting the Keller Lake Pegmatite, Waupaca County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 79, #?. p. 409-411.
  • Buchholz, T.W., and Simmons, W.B., 2015, Cerianite-(Ce) from the Wausau Complex, Marathon County, Wisconsin: 42nd Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, Abstracts and Programs, p. 9–10.
  • Buckstaff, R.N., 1962, Meteorites, as seen by a Wisconsin Collector: Wisconsin Academy Review, v. 9, np.4, p. 148-151.

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C to E


  • Campbell, F.K., 1981, Geology of the Upper Precambrian Flambeau Quartzite, Chippewa County, North Central Wisconsin: University of Minnesota, unpublished M.S. Thesis, p. 176.
  • Cannon, W.F., 1996, Field Trip #2, Geology of the Montreal River Monocline: A Traverse through 25 km. of the Crust, Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 42nd Annual Meeting, Proceedings, Pt. 3: Field Trip Guidebook, p. 49-63.
  • Cannon, W.F. and Mudrey, M.G., 1981, The Potential for Diamond-Bearing Kimberlite in Northern Michigan and Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 842, 15 p.
  • Carlson, J.F., 1961, Geology of the Linden and Montfort Quadrangles, Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1123-B, p. 95-138.
  • Carlson, S.M., and Adams, G.W., 1998, The diamondiferous Six-Pak Ultramafic Lamprophyre Diatreme, Kenosha, Wisconsin, U.S.: 43rd. Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Abstracts with Programs, p. 11-12
  • Cavosie, A.J, Erickson, T.M., and Timms, N.E., 2014, Reidite and shock-twinned zircon in polymict breccia from the Ordovician Rock Elm impact structure, USA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 46, no. 6.
  • Cavosie, A.J., Erickson, T.M., and Timms, N.E., 2015, Nanoscale records of ancient shock deformation: Reidite (ZrSiO4) in sandstone at the Ordovician Rock Elm impact crater: Geology, v. 43, p. 319–322.
  • Chamberlin, T.C., 1877, Geology of Eastern Wisconsin: in Geology of Wisconsin–Survey of 1873-1877, v. II, p. 93-405.
  • Chamberlin, T.C., 1882, The Ore Deposits of Southwestern, Wisconsin: in Geology of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, v. 4, pt. 4, p. 365-571.
  • Cook, C.W., 1924, Marcasite from the Racine Dolomite, Racine, Wisconsin: American Mineralogist, v. 9, p. 151-152.
  • Cordua, W.S., 1987, The Rock Elm Disturbance, Pierce County, Wisconsin, in Balaban, N., edited: Field Trip Guidebook for the Upper Mississippi Valley, Minnesota Geological Survey Guidebook Series, no. 15, p. 123-152.
  • Cordua, W.S., 1989a, Goethite pseudomorphs after marcasite, Maiden Rock, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 64, no.2, p. 124-127.
  • Cordua, W.S., 1989b, Stop 1: Chengwatana Lava Flows in the trap rock quarries at Dresser, Polk County, Wisconsin, in I.S. Williams, ed.:Paleography and Structure of the St. Croix River Valley, 53rd Annual Tri-State Geological Field Conference,: p. 19-22.
  • Cordua, W.S., 1990, Amygdule minerals of the South Range Quarry, Douglas County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 65, p. 412-415.
  • Cordua, W.S., 1991, Minerals of the Buckley Quarry, Douglas County, Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 7, no.7, p. 2-3.
  • Cordua, W.S., 1998, Luminescent phantom quartz from Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 14, no. 3, p. 1 and 4.
  • Cordua, W.S., 2004 Enigmatic 1300 – 1400 Ma mafic pluton from the Koss Pit, Marathon County, Wisconsin, Abstract: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings, 50th Annual Meeting, Duluth, MN, v. 50, pt. 1, p. 48-49.
  • Cordua, W.S., Bauer, D., Gibertson, J.P., Koskelin, K., and Oberli, J., 1979, Geologic setting of copper mineralization in Precambrian (Keweenawan) basaltic volcanic and Upper Cambrian Sediments in the St. Croix Falls Area, Wisconsin and Minnesota: North Central Geological Society America Abstracts with Programs, 13th Annual Meeting, v. 11, no.5, p. 227.
  • Cox, B.K., 2002, Minerals of the Pewabic Country of Michigan and Wisconsin, Volume 1, Gold and Silver: Agogebic Press, Marquette, Michigan, 72 p.
  • Cronin, B., 1970, The sandstone caves of Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 9, no.3, P. 53-99.
  • Cronin, B. and Frater, N., 1974, The caves of Iowa County: The Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 13, no.3, p. 68-95.
  • Crowns, B., 1976, Wisconsin Through 5 Billion Years of Change: Wisconsin Rapids: Wisconsin Earth Science Center, 318 p.
  • Cummings, M.L., 1978, Stratigraphy and mineralization, Quinnesec Formation, northeastern Wisconsin: Institute Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting, Proceedings, p. 10.
  • Cummings, M.L., 1984, The Eau Claire River Complex: a metamorphosed mafic intrusion in western Wisconsin: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 95, p. 75-85.
  • Cummings, M.L., and Myers, P.E., 1978, Petrology and geochemistry of amphibolites, Eau Claire River, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 24th Annual Meeting, Proceedings, p. 9.
  • Cummings, M.L., and Scrivner, J.V., 1980, The saprolite at the Precambrian–Cambrian contact, Irvine Park, Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin: Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, v. 68, p. 22-29.

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  • Dalziel, I.W.D., and Dott, R.H., Jr., 1970, Geology of The Baraboo District, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Information Circular 14, 164 p.
  • Davis, R.A., 1966, Willow River Dolomite–Ordovician analogue of modern algal stromatolites: Journal of Geology, v. 74, p. 908-923.
  • DeMatties, T.A., 1990, The Ritchie Creek Main Zone: A Lower Proterozoic copper-gold volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit in northern Wisconsin: Economic Geology, v. 85, p. 1908-1916.
  • DeMatties, T.A., 1994, Early Proterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in Wisconsin: Economic Geology, v .89, p. 1122-1151.
  • DeMatties, T.A., 1996, The Bend Deposit: An Early Proterozoic copper-gold VMS Deposit, in LaBerge, G.L., editor, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of northern Wisconsin: A commemorative volume: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings, 42nd. Annual Meeting, Cable, Wis., pt. 2, p. 143- 159.
  • DeMatties, T.A. and Rowell, W.F., 1991, Bend, A Lower Proterozoic, copper and gold enriched volcanogenic massive-sulfide deposit in Taylor County, Wisconsin: Institute on Lake Superior Geology Proceedings, 37th Annual Meeting, v. 37, pt. 1, p. 34-40.
  • Depangher, M., 1982, The Geology, Geochemistry and Petrology of the Quinnesec Group, East of Pembine, Marinette County, Wisconsin: University of Utah, unpublished M.S. Thesis, 210 p.
  • Dickas, A.B. and Mudrey, M.G., Jr., 1991, Geology and petrography of the Amnicon Pluton, Douglas County, Wisconsin: 37th Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Eau Claire, Wis., p 41-43.
  • Dickey, R.M., 1938, Manganese in the Montreal Mine, Montreal, Wisconsin: Economic Geology, v. 33, p. 600-624.
  • Dott, R.J. and Dalziel, I., 1972, Age and Correlation of the Precambrian Baraboo Quartzite of Wisconsin: Journal of Geology, v. 80, p. 552-568.
  • DuBors, J.F., 1981, Archean Gneiss in the Lake Arbutus Area, Jackson County, West-Central Wisconsin: University of Kansas, unpublished M.S. Thesis, 71 p.
  • Dugan, J.P., Jr. and Ervin, C.P., 1977, Geophysical Study of a gabbroic intrusion, Clam Lake, Wisconsin: 23rd Institute on Lake Superior Geology, p. 14.
  • Durst, P., 1974, Spelunker’s Guide to Richland County Caves: unpublished report U. W. Center-Richland, 38 p.
  • Dutch, S.I., Moran, J.M. and Stieglitz, R.D., , 1997, Geologic Traverse of East-Central Wisconsin, in Mudrey, M. ed., Guide to Field Trips in Wisconsin and Adjacent Areas of Minnesota: 31st Annual Meeting, North Central Geological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, p. 3-11.
  • Dutton, C.E., 1971, Volcanic–Sedimentary Belts and Sulfide Occurrences in Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 750-B, B-96 – B-100.
  • Dutton, C.E., 1971, Geology of the Florence Area: Wisconsin and Minnesota U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 633, 54 p.
  • Dutton, C.E., 1972, Sampling of Copper-bearing Keweenawan Rocks of Northwestern Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 9.1267, 13p.
  • Dutton, C.E., and Bradley, R., 1970, Lithologic, Geophysical and Mineral Commodity Maps of Precambrian Rocks in Wisconsin: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigation Map I-631, 15 p. and 6 sheets.

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  • Eckert, A.W., 1980, The Northeast Quadrant: Earth Treasures, v. 1: Harper and Row Pub., N. Y., 476 p.
  • Eggert, P., 1994, Kennicott inquiries spark speculation: Dunn County News, v. 135, no. 45, p. 1A and 3A.
  • Emanuel, R.P., 1978, Manganese Nodules: U. I. R. Research Newsletter, v. 12, no.3, p. 8-9.
  • Erickson, A.J., and Cote, R., Geological Summary – Crandon Deposit in LaBerge, G.L., editor, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of northern Wisconsin: A commemorative volume: Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings, 42nd. Annual Meeting, Cable, Wis., pt. 2, p. 129-142.
  • Ernst, T., Markert, J., and Montz, 1980, Heavy Mineral Analysis of Precambrian Rocks in Rusk County: 26th Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Proceedings and Abstracts, Eau Claire, UW – Eau Claire, p. 26.

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F to H


  • Falster, A.U., 1977, Phenakite from Marathon County, Wisconsin: Mineralogical Record, v. 8, p. 389-390.
  • Falster, A.U., 1981, Minerals of the Wausau Pluton: Mineralogical Record, v. 12, no.2, p. 93-97.
  • Falster, A.U., 1984a, Mineralogy of Pegmatites in the Wausau Pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: 13th Annual Institute on Lake Superior Geology, Wausau, Abstracts and Programs, p. 11.
  • Falster, A.U., 1984b, Wavellite in Jackson County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 59, no.3, p. 125-126.
  • Falster, A.U., 1984c, Mineralogy of Pegmatites in the Wausau Pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: in Institute on Lake Superior Geology, 30th Annual Session Proceedings, p. 11.
  • Falster, A.U., 1985, A recent find in the Wausau Pluton: Mineral News, v. 1, no.2, p. 5.
  • Falster, A.U., 1986a, A large pocket in the Wausau Complex: Mineral News, v. 2, no.1, p. 2 .
  • Falster, A.U., 1986b, Beryl from the Wolf River Batholith, Wisconsin: Mineral News, v. 2, no. 4, p. 4.
  • Falster, A.U., 1987, Minerals of the Pegmatite Bodies in the Wausau Pluton, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 62, no. 3, p. 188-195.
  • Falster, A.U., 2001, A second world occurrence for behierite in Florence County, Wisconsin, 28th Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, proceedings volume, p. 8-9.
  • Falster, A.U., and Simmons, W.B., 1989, Zircon from the Wausau Complex, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 64, p. 470
  • Falster, A.U., Simmons, W.B.,  and Moore, P.B., 1988, Fillowite, lithiophilite, heterosite/purpurite and allvaudite-varulite group minerals from a pegmatite in Florence County, Wisconsin, Rocks and Minerals, v. 63, no.6, p. 455.
  • Falster, A.U., Simmons, W.B., and Webber, K.L., 1995, Niobium-tantalum minerals from the Animikie Red Ace Pegmatite, Florence County, Wisconsin: Rocks and Minerals, v. 70, no. 2, p. 126-127.
  • Falster, A.U., Simmons, W.B., Webber, K.L., and Buchholz, T., 2000, Pegmatites and pegmatite minerals of the Wausau Complex, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Memorie della Societa di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia di Milano, v. XXX p. 13-28.
  • Fisher, D., 1887, Description of an iron meteorite from St. Croix County, Wisconsin: American Journal of Science, series 3, v. 34, p. 381-383.
  • Fisher, D.J., 1965, Wisconsin in Kirkemo, H., editor, Investigation of Molybdenum Deposits in the Conterminous U. S., 1942-1960, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin. 1182 E, p. E-85-E-89.
  • Fleischer, M., and Mandarino, J.A., 1991, Glossary of Mineral Species–1991: Tucson, The Mineralogical Record, Inc., 256 p.
  • Frater, N., 1966, Caves of Dane County, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 5, no.3, p. 82-93.
  • Frater, N., 1967, Caves of Green County, Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 6, no. 3-4, p. 40-42.
  • Frater, N., 1968, Caves of Juneau County, Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 7, no. 2, p. 47-50.
  • Frater, N., 1970, The caves along the upper part of Cady Creek, St. Croix County, Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 9, no.1, p. 13-21.
  • Frederick, G.G., 1993, When Iron was King in Dodge County, Wisconsin: Mayville, Wis., Mayville Historical Society, 735 p.

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  • Gates, R.M., 1942, The Baxter Hollow Granite Cupola: American Mineralogist, v. 27, no. 11, p. 677-711.
  • Gaudette, H.E., 1965, Illite from Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin: American Mineralogist, v. 50, p. 411-417.
  • Geiger, C.A., 1986, Mineralogy and sedimentology of rock overlying the Baraboo Quartzite: Geoscience Wisconsin, v. 10, p. 28-37.
  • Geiger, C.A., and Guidotti, C.V., 1989, Precambrian metamorphism in the southern Lake Superior region and its bearing on crustal evolution: Geoscience Wisconsin, v. 13, p. 1-33.
  • Geiger, C.A., Guidotti, C.V., and Petro, W.L., 1982, Some aspects of the petrologic and tectonic history of the Precambrian rocks at Waterloo: Geoscience Wisconsin, v. 6, p. 21-40.
  • Geisse, E., 1951, Syenite and nepheline syenite of Stettin, Marathon County, Wisconsin: Geological Society America Bull. 62, no.12, p. 1442.
  • George, H.C., 1926, Some stalactitic forms of marcasite: Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, v. 5, p. 125-127.
  • Gietkowski, R., 1972, Caves of Sauk County: The Wisconsin Speleologist, v. 11, no.1, p. 1-25.
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