
Kettnerite as scaley grains replacing native bismuth. From Waterloo Quarry, Dodge County, WI. Field of view is about 0.5 mm. (Dan Behnke specimen and image.)

Formula: CaBi(CO3)OF Orthorhombic


Kettnerite crystals on waylandite. From Waterloo Quarry, Dodge County, WI. SEM image by Tom Buchholz, using the SEM at the University of New Orleans.

Kettnerite is a very rare mineral found as an alteration product of bismuth sulfides, such as bismuthinite.

DODGE COUNTY: Kettnerite occurs as tiny crystals associated with other bismuth-bearing minerals in vugs in pegmatite cutting quartzite in the Michels Materials Waterloo Quarry, NE sec. 33 and NW sec. 34 T.9N. R.13E. (Buchholz et al. , 2005b).