Elizabeth (Liz) Ceperley
Position title: Editor/Quaternary Geologist
Pronouns: she/her
Email: elizabeth.ceperley@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 263-1846
As the editor, Liz performs and contributes to the editing, layout, and design of each publication that is accepted for publication at WGNHS. She configures publications to ensure ADA-compliancy and works with the publication team to release publications to the WGNHS website. Additionally, she contributes to the WGNHS style guide and works with authors on preparing their manuscript for publication.
As a Quaternary geologist, Liz uses sediment cores and GIS to map surficial deposits in Wisconsin, connecting them to the ice age and paleoclimate history over the last 2.6 million years. Currently, she is working with other WGNHS geologists to create the first Quaternary geologic map of Green County in south-central Wisconsin.
- Barth, A.B., Ceperley, E.G., Vavrus, C., Marcott, S.A., Shakun, J.D., Caffee, M.W., 2022, 10Be age control of glaciation in the Beartooth Mountains, USA, from the latest Pleistocene through the Holocene: Geochronology, v. 4, p. 731-743, https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-4-731-2022.
- Ceperley, E.G., Marcott, S.A., Reusche, M.M., Barth, A.M., Brook, E.J., Mix, A.C., Caffee, M.W., 2020, Widespread early Holocene deglaciation, Washington Land, northwest Greenland: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 231, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106181.
- Ceperley, E.G., Marcott, S.A., Rawling III, J.E., Zoet, L.K., Zimmerman, S., 2019, The role of permafrost on the morphology of an MIS 3 moraine from the southern Laurentide Ice Sheet: Geology, v. 47, no. 5, p. 440-444, https://doi.org/10.1130/G45874.1.
- Reusche, M.M., Marcott, S.A., Ceperley, E.G., Barth, A.M., Brook, E.J., Mix, A.C., Caffee, M.W., 2018, Early to Late Holocene surface exposure ages from two marine terminating outlet glaciers in northwest Greenland: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 45, no. 14, p. 7028-7039, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL078266.
- Pendleton, S.L., Ceperley, E.G., Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Zimmerman, S., 2015, Rapid and early deglaciation in the central Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska: Geology, v. 43, no. 5, p. 419-422, https://doi.org/10.1130/G36430.1.