Anna Fehling

Position title: Hydrogeologist

Pronouns: She/her/hers


Phone: 608-890-4463

Anna Fehling outdoors

I conduct applied groundwater studies to improve our understanding of aquifer characteristics and behavior in Wisconsin. I communicate the results of our work to the public to support the citizens of Wisconsin and help inform management decisions. My work typically involves collecting and analyzing field data, creating computer models of groundwater behavior, and developing decision-support tools.

Current projects

My current projects can be explored through this interactive map:

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Professional affiliations

  • American Water Resources Association (AWRA), Wisconsin Section, member
  • Geological Society of America (GSA), member


  • Fehling, A.C.; Rawling, J.E., III; Graham, G.E.; Chase, P.M.; Swanson, S.K. 2022, Hydrogeology of the sandy uplands of the Bayfield Peninsula, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Open-File Report 2022-04, 23 p.
  • Fehling, A.C. and Hart, D.J., 2021, Potential effects of climate change on stream temperature in the Marengo River headwaters: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 115, 74 p., 3 pl., 3 datasets.
  • Graham, G.E., Fehling, A.C., Gotkowitz, M.B., and Bradbury, K.R., 2019, Hydrogeologic atlas of Bayfield County, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Technical Report 005, 25 p., 5 plates, scale 1:100,000.
  • Characterization of groundwater resources in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin
    1. Fehling, A.C., Bradbury, K.R., Leaf, A.T., Pruitt, A., Hunt, R.J., Mauel, S.M., Schoephoester, P.R., and Juckem, P.F., 2018, Characterization of groundwater resources in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin: Washburn/Great Divide Unit: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Technical Report 004-4, 60 p., 20 plates.
    2. Fehling, A.C., Leaf, A.T., Bradbury, K.R., Hunt R.J., Mauel, S.M., Schoephoester, P.R., and Juckem, P.F., 2018, Characterization of groundwater resources in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin: Nicolet Unit: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Technical Report 004-2, 61 p., 20 plates.
    3. Bradbury, K.R., Hunt, R.J., Pruitt, A., Juckem, P.F., Schoephoester, P.R., Mauel, S.M., and Fehling, A.C., 2018, Characterization of groundwater resources in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin: Park Falls Unit: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Technical Report 004-3, 47 p., 10 plates.
    4. Bradbury, K.R., Leaf, A.T., Hunt, R.J., Juckem, P.F., Fehling, A.C., Mauel, S.M., and Schoephoester, P.R., 2018, Characterization of groundwater resources in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin: Medford Unit: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Technical Report 004-1, 50 p., 10 plates.
  • Fehling, A.C. and Hart, D.J., 2017, Groundwater and fractured crystalline bedrock in Wisconsin’s National Forest: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Factsheet 08.
  • Bradbury, K.R., Fehling, A.C., and Parsen, M.J., 2017, A groundwater flow model for the Little Plover River basin in Wisconsin’s Central Sands—user’s manual: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 111–supplement, 30 p.
  • Bradbury, K.R., Parsen, M.J., and Fehling, A.C., 2016, The 2016 groundwater flow model for Dane County, Wisconsin–user’s manual: Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey Bulletin 110–supplement, 36 p.
  • Fehling, A.C., 2016, Clarifying the groundwater picture in northern Wisconsin: WisContext,