Well Records

A drill rig used to drill groundwater wells.Since 1936, well drillers have been required by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to file a well construction report (WCR) for any well drilled for drinking water, irrigation, and other uses.

WCRs typically contain information about:

  • the well owner, owner’s mailing address, and location of the well (most reports do not list street addresses and some do not list quarter sections)
  • distances from the well to buildings, sewers, silos, or animal yards
  • construction of the well, including diameters and lengths of the drillhole and of casing, liner, or screen
  • the geologic materials the driller observed during drilling the well
  • water level and pumping test data
  • the well driller’s name and address
  • the date the well was completed
  • the date that a water sample was sent to a laboratory for analysis

Except in rare cases, none of this information has been field-checked. Errors, especially with regard to the location of the well, are common.

View a sample WCR

WCR searches

The following online database is available for you to search at no charge:

(Please note: We no longer offer our fee-based service to search for and provide copies of WCRs.)

More information

DNR Well Driller Viewer

The DNR’s Well Driller Viewer is an interactive map displaying information to assist drillers in siting wells, including well records. The map can now be used on mobile devices with the ArcGIS Explorer Mobile app. Download the app, then search for the map called “Well Driller Viewer – Mobile-Friendly Map.”

High-capacity wells

Want to know the locations of high-capacity wells and how much water they’re pumping? Visit the DNR’s Water Withdrawal and High-Capacity Well Viewer.

Abandoning a well

For information on well abandonment procedures and forms, please contact the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

To find out whether a well abandonment form is on file for a specific well, visit the DNR’s Well Filling and Sealing Report System(WGNHS does not have any well abandonment data.)

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