In 2021-2022, the Central Sands Nitrate and Neonicotinoid Study performed a data-gap analysis and compiled an exhaustive database of over 100,000 historical groundwater nitrate and neonicotinoid concentrations for wells across Adams, Juneau, Marquette, Portage, Waushara, and Wood counties. Using data collected from 1953-2021, the study evaluated trends in nitrate and neonicotinoid in groundwater and explored correlations between groundwater quality and land-use type.
Published in early 2023, the final report and geodatabase serve as decision-support tools for county planners, water utilities, community leaders, researchers, and engaged stakeholders to better understand the spatial and temporal extent of nitrate and neonicotinoids in groundwater.
The companion Groundwater Quality Resource Guide, included with the final report as an appendix, is intended as a framework for readers to explore different topics related to groundwater, nitrate, and neonicotinoids. The first four chapters introduce baseline information about these topics while subsequent chapters examine different issues, challenges, and potential directions for future action.
Funding for this project was provided by Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) as facilitated by the Wisconsin Groundwater Coordinating Council and the Wisconsin Water Resources Institute (WRI).
Want to see the resources published from this project? Access them at the links below.
Report & Resource Guide
These publications are available on the WRI website. The final report serves as a decision-support tool for county planners, water utilities, community leaders, researchers, and engaged stakeholders. The Groundwater Quality Resource Guide (see appendix of final report) offers a framework for readers to explore different topics related to groundwater, nitrate, and neonicotinoids.
Final Report & Groundwater Quality Resource Guide
Data files
The geodatabase is available in the WGNHS Publications Catalog. It can be used in conjunction with the final report (above) as a decision-support tool.
Public presentations
On April 6, 2023, staff from WGNHS, DATCP, Portage County, and UW–Madison Extension hosted a public roll-out of the Central Sands Nitrate and Neonicotinoid Study. This event presented the study results and the Groundwater Quality Resource Guide, as well as an overview of how DATCP and other state agencies are working together to address nitrate and neonicotinoid contamination of groundwater.
More information
For more details about this study, contact WGNHS hydrogeologist Dave Hart by email at david.hart@wisc.edu or by phone at (608) 262-2307.