Interim Director and State Geologist announced

Man with glasses and a short beard smiling at the cameraWe are pleased to announce that Dr. Eric Carson has been appointed Interim Director and State Geologist at WGNHS following the retirement of Dr. Ken Bradbury in July 2022. Eric begins his role as our interim director on August 22, 2022. 

Eric has been a Quaternary geologist and geomorphologist at WGNHS since 2008. Eric’s research at WGNHS has involved conducting geologic mapping of surface sediments, primarily in the unglaciated southwestern Driftless Area of Wisconsin; refining the record of the most recent cycle of glaciation in southern Wisconsin; and investigating the mechanisms and timing of how rivers and landscapes evolve over geologic time. Learn more about Eric’s research. 

In addition to Eric’s position at WGNHS, he is affiliate faculty in UW–Madison’s Department of Geoscience and Department of Geography, as well as affiliate faculty in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Science’s Center for Culture, History, and the Environment at UW–Madison. 

As interim director, Eric will provide overall administrative leadership for WGNHS as we continue our search for a new director.  

Please help us welcome Eric to this new role!