Formula: AuTe2 Monoclinic
Calaverite is a rare mineral generally restricted to hydrothermal veins with other gold minerals, sulfides and quartz.
MARATHON COUNTY: Found rarely as tiny brassy lath-shaped crystals with quartz in pegmatites of the Wausau pluton. These are exposed in the “rotten granite” quarries such as those south of Rib Mountain in Sec. 19 and 20 T.28N. R.7E (Falster, 1987).
TAYLOR COUNTY: Found as small grains intergrown with pyrite, chalcopyrite, petzite and krennerite in hypogene ore in the Bend deposit northeast of Gilman in the NW Sec. 2 T.32N. R.2W (DeMatties and Rowell, 1991).