Formula: K(Mg,Fe)(Fe3+(Si4O10)(OH)2 Monoclinic
Celadonite is an earthly green to blue-green mineral formed by low grade hydrothermal of diagenetic alteration of other minerals or volcanic glass.
GRANT COUNTY: Celadonite is reported from the Bridgeport Quarry, 3 miles SE of Bridgeport (SW Sec. 20 T.6N R.5E). It is associated with galena, sphalerite, pyrite and jasperoid quartz in dolostone (Heyl et al., 1959).
IOWA COUNTY: Celadonite is associated with galena, dolomite, sphalerite and quartz at the Ohlerking lead mines in NW SE Sec. 39 T.7N R.1E, west of Highland (Heyl et al., 1959).