
Brown Chevkinite-Ce crystal in syenitic matrix. From small abandoned quarry near Stettin, Marathon County, Wisconsin. Field of view is about 1.2 mm left to right. (Image by Dan Behnke.)

Formula: (Ce,Ca,Th)4(Fe,Mg)(Ti,Mg,Fe)4Si4O22 Monoclinic


Chevknite-(Ce) is a group of minerals related by complex solid solution substitution. It is found in Wisconsin as accessory minerals in the igneous rocks of the Wausau Complex.

MARATHON COUNTY: Buchholz et. al (2011) reports 3 localities for chevkinite-(Ce) in the Wausau area. These are 1) in outcrops behind the Aspirus Hospital complex on the west side of Wausau, 2) in a small abandoned quarry in Stettin and 3) in heavy mineral separates from a mafic dike cutting Nine Mile Granite in the LaDick Quarry about 5 miles west of Mosinee.