
Fragment of purpurite member of the heterosite-purpurite series, acid treated to bring out brilliant purple color. With white quartz. From Usakes, Southwest Africa. Field of view is about 10 cm left to right. (Photo by W. Cordua.)

Formula: (Fe,Mn)PO4 Orthorhombic


Heterosite-purpurite represents a simple solid solution mineral found masses in complex granite pegmatites in association with other phosphates.

FLORENCE COUNTY: Heterosite-purpurite nodules up to 5 cm. across occur in the zoned pegmatites in sec. 22 T.39N. R.17E., near Fern. (Falster, Simmons and Moore, 1988; Koehler, 1989). The mineral is intergrown with apatite and alluaudite-varulite and readily weathers a dark brown.