Formula: NiAs Hexagonal
Nickeline, also referred to as “niccolite”, is a rare mineral found in high temperature hydrothermal deposits, especially those in mafic igneous rocks. Other nickel minerals, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite are commonly associated.
ASHLAND COUNTY: Nickeline is found as a minor component of a hydrothermally mineralized zone found in drill core taken from the Mineral Lake area in sections 21 and 30 T.45N R.4W (Bakheit, 1981). Associated minerals include pyrrhotite, pentlandite, cubanite, sphalerite, bornite and marcasite.
DOUGLAS COUNTY: Minute quantities of nickeline were reportedly found in “diabase” in the vicinity of Copper Creek, Sec. 23 T.47N R.14W (Sweet, 1880; Irving, 1882).