
Metallic gray petzite with quartz and chlorite on matrix. From St. Joe Mine, Gold Hill district, Boulder County, Colorado. Sample is 4.2 x 2.5 x 1 cm in size. (Image courtesy Rob Lavinsky and; unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.)

Formula: Ag3AuTe2 Isometric


Petzite is a steel-gray granular mineral found in hydrothermal deposits associated with other rare tellurium, gold and silver minerals.

RUSK COUNTY: Petzite is reported as a component of the ore at the Flambeau Mine, south of Ladysmith (Jone, Jones, and LaBerge, 1999)

TAYLOR COUNTY: Petzite is found as small grains intergrown with pyrite, chalcopyrite, calaverite, krennerite, and other minerals at the Bend Deposit, NW sec. 2 T.32N. R.2W., northeast of Gilman (DeMatties and Rowell, 1991).