Formula: AlPO4.2H2O Orthorhombic
Variscite occurs as a groundwater precipitate in aluminum- rich rocks. It is found asociated with other phosphate minerals such as apatite, wavellite and crandallite.
DODGE COUNTY: Microscopic colorless to pale pink to yellowish grains of variscite have been identificed in oolites from the Mayville iron formation as exposed in outcrops and in old iron mines (sec. 1,12,13 T.11N. R.16E.). (Hawley and Beavan, 1934).
JACKSON COUNTY: Variscite is reported as “finely crystallized material” with wavellite in nodules and veins in the Eau Claire Formation sandstones exposed along East Snow Creek Road (NE NW NW sec. 23 T.22N. R.4W.), about 4 miles north of Black River Falls. (Falster, 1984).