GIS data
We have made our collection of digital datasets derived from published maps (original presentation scale: 1:100,000) available for download. Each dataset includes GIS data, metadata, and a georeferenced image of the map. We have also updated many of our GIS files to the GeMS standard (with more GeMS updates to come). PDF files of the map(s) and any accompanying reports are available for separate download.
All GIS data files GeMS GIS data files
Rock properties—porosity and density
Porosity and density of rocks explained. Includes equations and distribution data for dolomite, shale, and sandstone from Wisconsin’s aquifers and aquitards.
TillPro is primarily a database of grain-size analyses performed on unlithified sediment samples collected from Wisconsin and analyzed in the Quaternary Laboratory at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (MS Access database)
The wiscLITH database has been gleaned from the nearly 45,000 paper records maintained by the Survey. These records contain detailed descriptions of the rock types (including stratigraphy and lithology) encountered during well drilling. (MS Access database)
Geologic logs
Geologic logs are prepared from examination of drill cuttings (samples). Well drillers are usually required to submit drill cuttings to WGNHS for wells which are: (1) high capacity (>70 gallons per minute), such as irrigation or industrial wells, OR (2) public water supply wells, such as those for municipalities, schools, parks, or waysides.
Unfortunately, there are many wells for which WGNHS should have samples, but doesn’t. Reasons include: (1) samples not collected by well drillers, (2) samples collected but not submitted to the Survey, (3) samples sufficiently damaged after collection so as to render them useless (4) samples collected but not labeled, therefore also useless, (5) very difficult or unusual drilling conditions, which make sample collection difficult and/or samples collected meaningless.
When drill cuttings are received from the well driller, WGNHS geologists prepare geologic logs. These logs contain a detailed description of each sample. Because a sample is usually taken every 5 feet, these logs usually give much more detailed geologic information than well construction reports (WCRs). (Learn more about WCRs.)
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Other important data sets (external)
- Groundwater level data: Real-time groundwater levels across Wisconsin. (USGS)
- Water withdrawal and high-capacity well viewer: View locations and volumes of existing high-capacity wells as well as those that have been recently approved or are pending review. (DNR)
- Well water quality interactive viewer: Private well data for Wisconsin. (UW–Stevens Point, Center for Watershed Science and Education)