2018 was another busy year for the Survey. We worked on projects across Wisconsin, from the bluffs of Lake Michigan to Bayfield County, from the Driftless Area to the Door County peninsula and many parts in between.
We helped municipalities remediate rather than replace water supply wells, we created the geologic maps necessary to help a town implement a new groundwater protection ordinance, and we are modeling how climate change will affect trout habitat. We are also studying the Midcontinent Rift beneath Lake Superior for answers to how the rift formed, and we are mapping the bedrock geology in Dodge County, finding similarities that help us to understand the mineral resources across southern Wisconsin.
Our 2018 Year in Review profiles about a dozen of the projects we worked on. View them as a story map (below) or as a printable PDF. To learn more about all of the projects we’re working on and what we’re learning, visit our interactive projects map. We also invite you to check out our complete list of projects for a handy overview of project sponsors, principal investigators, dollars, and dates.
2018 Year in Review (story map) 2018 Year in Review (PDF) All 2018 grants (PDF)